Satyarth prakash english pdf
Satyarth prakash english pdf

satyarth prakash english pdf satyarth prakash english pdf satyarth prakash english pdf satyarth prakash english pdf

Whe the house of Raghu held paramount authority (in this country), even King Raavana of Ceylon acknowledged its suzerainty. The perusal of the Mahaabhaarata proves that the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the earth till the coronation of Emperor Yudhisthtira and the Great War of Mahaabhaarata, for we read in that book that King Bhaagadatta of China, Babruvaahan of America, Vidalakha* of Europe, the Ruler of Greece, King Shalya of Persia and various other rulers came as ordered to take part in the Great War and in the coronation of Emperor Yudhishthira. Dasyus – Wicked people Malechhas – Barbarians.Īnd science suitable to them from the learned people born in this country.” MANU. Shoodraas – Men of the servant class, laborer. Vaishyeas – Merchants, artisans and farmers. Kshatriyas – Men of governing class, statesmen, soldiers, etc. * Braahaman’s _Teachers – secular and spiritual. “Let all other people of the earth – Brahmans*, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shoodras, Dasyus and Malecchas – learn arts Till the time of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, all rulers of the earth and their subjects obeyed the law laid sown by the rulers of this country, for it is said in the Manu Smriti, that was compose in the beginning of the world. Since the beginning of the world till, years back, the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the whole earth, in other words, there was only one paramount power whose suzerainty was acknowledged by the rulers of the earth. Though this story of the philosopher’s stone is a myth, yet it is true that this country (Aryavarta) itself is verily a philosopher’s stone whose very touch converts all base metals – poor foreigners – into gold – rich nabobs. The natives of all other countries on the earth praise this very country, and believe that the philosopher’s stone is to be found here. We have already stated in the Chapter on Cosmogony that the good and the noble men are called Aryas, whilst those who are otherwise are called Dasyus. It was for this reason that in the beginning of the world the Aryas cam to this country. It is also called the Golden Land as it produces gold and precious stones. This country is such that no other country in the whole world can come up to the level of its excellence. Now we shall examine the religions of the Aryas, i.e., the people who liven in Aryvarta (India). AN EXAMINATION OF THE DIFFERENT RELIGIONS PREVAILING IN ARYAVARTA (INDIA)

Satyarth prakash english pdf